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A member registered Aug 27, 2020

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This is fantastic. Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Thanks for taking the time to help us out. This makes me think I'm missing something really important. I swear I read the book! 

Here's a brief example in the context of my players encountering a hostile Iron Porcupine (3):

1st word consumed: Iron Porcupine (3) attacks to start the encounter. A player uses a word of power to avoid the damage, and generates a memory. **this actually raises a couple of other questions I've had - do hostile creatures attack the entire party, or a smaller number of targets, or is it GM's choice? Can one player act to protect the entire party or does each DA have to act individually to avoid a negative outcome?

2nd word consumed: A player then uses a word of power to engage the Iron Porcupine (3) and succeeds, filling one portion of the encounter clock and consuming another word from their collection and generating a memory. 

3rd word consumed: Understandably angry, the Iron Porcupine (1/3) does a dangerous thing, and a player uses a word of power to guard against it consuming another word from their collection to generate a memory.

etc until the challenge is overcome. By my count that gets us to a possible 6 words consumed in one challenge, where the reward is one new word by default. Is it that my players are overusing their words?

Perfect! That helps a lot. 

On that last point I'm finding that my players are consuming words really quickly in a single challenge clock. I guess you're saying that players should be receiving words during a challenge, not just upon completing it.

Hello everyone!

I have some mechanical questions and thought I'd post them here so everyone can benefit. 

  1. What is the maximum number of Words of Power a single DA can have? The number of spots on the sheet?
  2. During character creation, Words have to be a minimum of 4 letters. Does that apply when a word shatters with a critical success? We had a player shatter "port" and I ruled that they just get 3 life back and lose the word entirely.
  3.  When rolling a ship module with 3/4 clock slots filled, do players roll 1d6 or 2d6? As written it's 1d6 but that seems a little odd?
  4. For the purposes of rolling a ship module, is Ship Condition considered to start at 8 or 0? 8 makes the most sense (otherwise ship rolls are guaranteed failures) but an empty clock that you fill as the ship takes damage makes that a bit counter-intuitive
  5. If a player doesn't have words in their collection, does that mean they can't generate a memory when they use a Word of Power?